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On the occasion of the journalist's day, Dr. Salehi, President's deputy and AEOI head sent a congratulatory message as follows:

  • I am delighted to once more congratulate the occasion of the journalist's day to the entire hard working personnel active in the media business as well as the writers, editors, Etc….
  • Throughout the recent years I have emphasized, in numerous occasions, on the holy assignment of reporters to convey the social truths and honest, impartial criticism of power holding in line with serving the best of general public interests. The Islamic political philosophy has also drawn particular attention to rightfully define and implement the people's commitment towards the government and vice versa the duties of the government towards the people. It is the vital duty of the media holders to adjust this equilibrium.
  • I remain confident that the dear journalists and media directors will abide by their lawful, national responsibilities and by shedding light on social issues will keep carry on their holy, national tasks.
