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Karun 300MW nuclear plant construction is initiated

- Mr. Eslami, AEOI head, on Dec. 3 in a visit paid to the Khuzestan province announced the start of the Karun 300MW nuclear plant construction process in the Darkovin region and mentioned the following remarks:
- The building of this plant, in line with the implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Strategic Document, is a sign of domestic scientific, technological maturation of our experts and will cause further human resources development.
- The plant is of medium scale standard, and the preliminary phase will include environmental and infrastructural studies. The 300 MW site is estimated to cost 1.5  up to  2 billion dollars and will take around 7 years time.
- The power plant is of (PWR( type with close to 4% fuel feed. The project information design is already registered with IAEA.
